FORM BOC-3 Designation of Agents for Service of Process

(Designación de Agentes del Servicio de Proceso) 

What is it?

It is a form that must be filled out by carriers crossing borders, designating an agent who will represent them in all states. This agent will receive correspondence and handle calls from state entities, and each agent must reside in the state where they are designated.

What do I need it for?

To meet the requirements of all states and transport your cargo with peace of mind. We search for all the agents on your behalf, saving you time on paperwork

How long will it take J&J to process this permit?

On the same day of the request, you will have the permit, and the next day you can verify the BOC-3 proof on SAFER.

What documents will J&J provide you with?

We will provide the BOC-3 form with agents in all 48 states, and you can verify it yourself on the platform.

Keep in Touch

Please fill out the form below and tell us your concerns.

13005 Greenville Avenue,
California, TX 70240

+22 140 006 754

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